Harnessing the Power of Solar Energy for EV Charging: A Sustainable Future with Day 1 Connectivity

At Day 1 Connectivity, we believe in creating a sustainable future through innovative energy solutions. With the growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, we are committed to providing efficient and eco-friendly charging options. One of the most promising solutions is harnessing solar energy for EV charging.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to cut down on emissions and embrace greener lifestyles. EVs offer numerous benefits, including lower running costs, reduced maintenance and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, one of the main challenges facing EV owners is the availability and sustainability of charging infrastructure.

Solar Energy as a Game-Changer

Solar energy, derived from the sun’s rays, is a clean and renewable source of power. It helps reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and significantly cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to advancements in solar technology, it has become more accessible and affordable for both residential and commercial applications.

Integration of Solar Power and EV Charging

By integrating solar panels with EV charging stations, we can create a more sustainable and cost-effective solution for powering electric vehicles. Solar EV charging systems allow us to harness the sun’s energy during the day to charge EVs, reducing reliance on the grid and lowering electricity costs. This not only benefits the environment but also provides long-term savings for EV owners.

How can Day 1 help?

At Day 1 Connectivity, we offer a range of services and products designed to integrate solar power with EV charging. Our innovative solutions help both individuals and businesses make the transition to cleaner energy. From initial consultation to installation and maintenance, we ensure a seamless and efficient process.

Proven success

We have helped many people enjoy the benefits of solar EV charging solutions. They have experienced significant savings on their energy bills and have contributed to a greener future.


The future of solar energy and EV charging looks promising. Technological advancements continue to improve the efficiency and affordability of solar panels, making them an even more attractive option. At Day 1 Connectivity, we are constantly exploring new technologies and projects to stay at the forefront of this exciting field.

Solar energy offers a powerful solution to the challenges of EV charging infrastructure. By harnessing the sun’s power, we can create a sustainable and cost-effective way to charge electric vehicles. Day 1 Connectivity is dedicated to this transition, providing innovative solutions that benefit both our clients and the environment.


If you’re interested in learning more about our solar EV charging solutions, contact Day 1 Connectivity today for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Let’s work together to create a sustainable future.


Top Tips for Choosing a Solar Supplier

Switching to solar energy is a big decision, so picking the right company to design, supply and install your Solar & EV solution is key.

Here are some top tips to help you choose the best solution for you:

1) Ask Friends and Family

Get recommendations from people you trust who have already installed solar panels. Their experiences can often guide you to reliable suppliers.

2) Do Your Homework

Research different suppliers in your area. Check their websites, read reviews, compare their services and ask to see one of their installations. This will help you find a supplier that best fits your needs and budget.

3) Look for MCS Accreditation

Ensure the supplier is MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) accredited. This means they meet high standards of quality, safety and a member of a “Consumer Code” relevant to the microgeneration sector, which has been approved by the Trading Standards Institute (TSI). These Codes are in place to protect the consumer. At present there are two Codes that meet the MCS requirements:

• The Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC);

• The Home Insulation and Energy Systems (HIES) Code of Practice.

4) Get Three Quotes

Ask for quotes from at least three suppliers. Compare costs and services, but be wary of prices that are much lower than others—they might indicate lower quality. Don’t just go for the lowest quote. Sometimes it’s worth paying a bit more for better quality and service.

5) Check the Warranty

Make sure the supplier offers a good warranty on both the panels and the installation. This protects you against defects and issues down the line.

6) Consider After-Sales Support

Good after-sales support is crucial. Make sure the supplier offers maintenance services and technical support to keep your system running smoothly. There’s a wide range of suppliers out there. Take your time to choose one that offers the right products and services for your needs.


Choosing the right solar supplier is vital for a successful switch to renewable energy. Follow these tips to ensure quality, reliability and and peace of mind.

Solar Power efficiency without the sunshine

When most people think of solar power, they imagine clear blue skies. This image often leads to a common misconception: that solar panels only work effectively in bright, sunny conditions. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Solar power is a versatile and reliable energy source that can function efficiently even in the UK’s often cloudy and unpredictable weather.

Here’s why it doesn’t need to be sunny to use solar power in the UK.

Solar Panels and Light Sensitivity

Solar panels are designed to capture and convert sunlight into electricity. The key to their operation is the photovoltaic cells within them, which are highly sensitive to light. These cells can capture different types of light, including direct sunlight, diffused light (scattered by clouds), and even reflected light.

Efficiency in Cloudy Conditions

While solar panels are most efficient under direct sunlight, they continue to generate electricity on cloudy days. Modern solar technology has significantly improved the efficiency of panels, allowing them to capture and convert more light, even in diffuse or low-light conditions. In fact, the UK, with its often overcast skies, is steadily increasing its solar power capacity.

Performance in Different Seasons

Solar panels are designed to work year-round, regardless of the season. During the winter months, when the days are shorter and the sun is lower in the sky, solar panels can still generate electricity. Snow can even enhance solar panel performance by reflecting sunlight onto the panels. Additionally, cooler temperatures can improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells, which tend to perform better in cooler conditions.

Energy Storage Solutions

One of the most significant advancements in solar technology is the development of efficient energy storage systems. Batteries and other storage solutions allow excess energy generated during sunny periods to be stored and used later when the weather is cloudy or during night time. This ensures a continuous power supply, independent of immediate weather conditions.

Geographical Versatility

Solar power is not limited to sunny regions. Many parts of the UK, for example, experience a significant amount of cloudy and rainy weather, yet solar power is a growing industry here. Advances in technology and increasing efficiency of solar panels mean that even in less sunny climates, solar energy can be a viable and cost-effective solution.

UK Examples of Solar Success

The UK has successfully implemented solar power on a large scale despite its varying climate. From residential rooftops to large solar farms, the UK’s solar industry is thriving. The government’s support for renewable energy and the falling costs of solar panels have made it an attractive option for many homeowners and businesses.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Utilising solar power, regardless of weather conditions, has numerous benefits. It reduces reliance on fossil fuels, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and can result in significant energy cost savings over time. Solar power systems also require minimal maintenance, adding to their long-term economic advantage.


The belief that solar power only works in sunny conditions is a myth. Modern solar panels are designed to capture and convert light efficiently, even on cloudy days and in cooler climates. With advancements in technology and energy storage, solar power is a reliable and sustainable energy solution, suitable for the UK’s diverse weather conditions. Embracing solar power not only supports environmental sustainability but also ensures a steady and independent energy supply, rain or shine. So, whether you’re in the sun-drenched south or the cloudy north, solar power remains a bright idea for your energy needs.

Knightsbridge retail space

Connecting a multi-sensory Knightsbridge retail space

Smallbone of Devizes needed a connectivity partner for their new 15,000 sq. ft. flagship store in Knightsbridge.

They chose Day 1 Connectivity and we set about designing, installing and supporting their network infrastructure for the site.

Set over four floors, the new store will offer a shopping experience that reinvents and redefines the concept of contemporary living.

“When I needed a trusted partner to provide the IT connectivity for Smallbone of Devizes new flagship store in Knightsbridge, Day 1 Connectivity were my obvious choice to provide leading edge connectivity on time and within budget.”

Tom Brittain – Director at HiiLIFE

About Smallbone of Devizes

With a heritage deeply rooted in England, Smallbone of Devizes design intelligent, impeccably crafted kitchens and whole-home solutions that continue to be made entirely by hand in their Wiltshire workshop.

From this extraordinary past, they continue to dream big and are looking forward to an exciting future with the launch of their 15,000 sq. ft multi-sensory retail space in Knightsbridge.

Ongoing support for Samsung

Providing ongoing support for one of the world’s largest tech companies

Samsung needed a Partner to support their existing enterprise WLAN Partners and Resellers. They chose us as their trusted partner to provide the ongoing support for their technical and warranty support.

“We have been extremely impressed with the responsiveness and support provided by Day 1 Connectivity who provide IT consultancy and project management services on our network infrastructure and connectivity at Samsung’s showcase store.”

Colin Gwynn – Head Of Operations Samsung Showcase

About Samsung

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a South Korean multinational electronics company operating in 74 countries throughout the world, with a workforce of 309,630 and a revenue of $206 billion, making it one of the largest tech companies in the world.